Monday, 26 March 2012

The Missing Link

In life we have certain issues or repressed memories that we conveniently forget or certain occurrences that impact our lives and we don’t realise the impact they have upon our lives until much later on in our lives. Fortunately for me I have figured out a few of the roots of my behaviour and I say some as it takes a lifetime to fully know ourselves and fix our problems!!
For many I have discovered that their behaviour patterns are determined mostly by their history any outrageous behaviour has a story behind it or an unearthed demon for some. I grew up around alcoholism, verbal and physical abuse as a result I became a bully and I was very fearful. These were the natural responses to what I saw as a child the bullying was probably an outburst an outlet that what I saw was unfair so why should life be fair for anyone else? The fear was built in, fear of victimisation or being in a similar position where abuse is verbally directed towards me.
Such occurrences we selectively repress as they are unpleasant memories but they always cause problems later on in life. That’s the missing link! One day when you have a break down or people have an intervention. This is what they are looking to discover. In life it is crucial to discover yourself what makes you tick, it is advised that your first relationship should be with yourself. Know and love yourself before attempting to be in any other relationship. Figuring out who you are and understanding yourself is helpful as you ground yourself and you are not easily swayed by anyone. Many complain that they lose themselves in relationships but you cannot lose what you don’t own or truly know.
Self discovery is very difficult and unfavourable as at times you discover what you don’t want to discover. Your are also forced to deal with things you wouldn’t want to but it is best to just deal with stuff and avoid all the other unnecessary complications life brings your way from not dealing with stuff. Skeletons are not meant to be in closets just take them out and bury them already..........

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