Friday, 30 March 2012

it's not all about me!

In life we all need a humility check now and again where we check ourselves. I realised that at times I make things all about me not all the time but there is a point you reach and you think wait there is too much Donna going on in here! I know this is not always intentional but sometimes we just take a small (I hope) self obsessive trip. I have been working on developing myself as a brand and at times I have seen myself being a tad bit selfish, this is sometimes confused as a part of self love.
There is unfortunately a thin line between self love and arrogance; my way of coming down to earth is human interaction. Lately I have taken time to just have conversations with people and I tell you that the revelations you get will quickly snap out of any arrogant state you may be in. As you begin to hear the struggles that many face, your issues begin to seem so trivial. I understand that we all have problems and I am not trying to take anything away from what you may be experiencing and it’s all well and good to vent now and again but always stop and take a look and see if your issue is really the end of your world or is there worse out there?
In most cases it really is not the end of the world  and at times it pays to be a friend, be there for someone else  and do not always dwell on your own situation. When you stop and listen you learn so much and in silence you gain knowledge. This simply reveals the fact that there is more to life than you and your situations there is so much you can give and offer and usually when you help someone else somehow you usually end up helping yourself. So when you next meet someone a friend or anyone, avoid the immediate desire to rant and rave smile and ask how they are doing and enjoy the simple fact that life is not all about you.

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