Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Do you Trust yourself?

In life we have many crossroads that we reach and we really have to stop and think before we proceed!I had such a crossroad when I was 15 and I discovered I was pregnant! I had two main choices abort or keep and these were transforming decisions to abort and live with the guilt or take responsibility for your mistakes and be a teen mom?At that point it was life and death the hardest choice of my life but now it doesn't seem that way, as I have the most amazing son in the world! In life we always come to crossroads and at the time it seems like the end of the world when it really is not.We battle with ourselves and complicate things so excessively instead of trusting ourselves and most essentialy God.God never gives us  more than we can handle no matter how big the situation is you hold and have the answer and the solution but you have got to trust yourself .

1 comment:

  1. Amazing Donna!! Such a testimony!! God is our strength for any circumstances for sure...He will bring us through any situation. So glad he took you through yours and brought Anthony into our lives!!! Thank you God for the strength he gave you to go through that!!!Praise Him!!Love you and love your blog...keep never know where it could lead and the people you could reach to inspire!!
