This is the story of the journey it's taken a girl to become a woman and reach a point of self love and respect!
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Letting Go!!
This is one of the hardest things to do, but it is the most liberating of all things one ever has to do. Many times we will reach a point or two where we have to let go and move forward or hold on and be stagnant. Whilst i hate being stagnant there have been many times as look back that i have been stagnant and stuck in one particular place. Letting go is difficult as it requires one to leave their comfort zone and enter in to the unknown which we are all so afraid of, when we shouldn't be as the unknown is only 50% scary as it may be good or bad, thus the bad representing the 50%. Now if we put the risk in figures like i have done(very accountant like of me) it no longer seems like the end of the world we make it out to be, In life you can take a leap of faith which will cost you (50%) slightly or be stagnant and be stuck whilst losing a whole lot more than 50%. Change is scary but it is neccesary if you plan to be proggresive in life, i discovered that i was anti-change which came as a shock to me as i thought i was a very progressive person and yet i discovered this, i am now working on fully transforming my life which is difficult as i find myself still oposing change every now and again. My point is change is not easy and it will not always come naturally anything worth having is worth figting for!
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Back against the wall!!!!
In my journey in life I have always been and I still am constantly on the defensive. I feel as though my back is constantly against the wall! This I feel is because I never had a real support system growing up I never had anyone see and believe there was any good in me, I was not nurtured and comforted and encouraged . I always see people as coming to attack me and my only natural instinct is to protect myself, and ensure that people understand me from my view point. This has made me very argumentative it was excellent when I was young, as I excelled in debate. Realistically its limiting me in so many ways as i can not take positive criticism i always see it as a personal attack and this is one of my character flaws.
Knowledge is power so hopefully my acknowledgement of the problem will enable me to conquer it! I always feel that noting one's weaknesses is very progressive and this is why I have highlighted my weakness as it is so easy to look perfect on paper when the reality is so far from perfect! Never be afraid to admit your wrong or that your not perfect because no one is. Love yourself for who you are mistakes and all and improvement will come naturally.
Knowledge is power so hopefully my acknowledgement of the problem will enable me to conquer it! I always feel that noting one's weaknesses is very progressive and this is why I have highlighted my weakness as it is so easy to look perfect on paper when the reality is so far from perfect! Never be afraid to admit your wrong or that your not perfect because no one is. Love yourself for who you are mistakes and all and improvement will come naturally.
Friday, 11 November 2011
My Entrepreneurial journey
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Mrs Donna-Ray White M.D Donna's Hair & Beauty |
As a child I believed that I could solve my own problems and achieve anything. I wanted to have my own money that I governed and was free to spend as I desired. I therefore went out and carried out a survey of our home for a venture to make money, I quickly noticed we had fruit trees and vineyards that bear fruit all year round, so I set off to our local fruit vendors and proposed to supply them with my various fruits throughout the year and they would pay per delivery, thereafter I never needed pocket money! Back then i had no idea or appreciation of the magnitude of the entrepreneurial skills I possessed but nevertheless there was no stopping me. My tenacious determination to conquer and achieve blossomed into an independent and self-motivated lifestyle.
When the fruit business got boring and the cash flow seemed insufficient, I sought out my next opportunity, whilst maintaining my current business. My aunt owned a hair salon and I decided to employ myself on her behalf! Every weekend and after school I would go to the salon and assist her. She noticed my perseverance, and she offered me an attachment position. I welcomed this opportunity with open arms as this meant I would learn a new skill and experience for free! A year later I was given a managerial position at her salon. As a result, in 2006 when my aunt emigrated I had earned an opportunity to buy her salon which became my first business. I renamed it ‘Donna’s Hair & Beauty Salon of which I am still managing director.
While it all seems so easy I failed to mention the hardships in my journey, like balancing school work, chores and an attachment, this required me to be extremely efficient at everything I did and I had to manage my time efficiently. This could have been seen as torture by the average teenager but this was my training and grooming which I craved. During this period I learnt to be responsible for managing my time and duties and to never let the pressure show, lest I be relieved of my responsibilities. After I completed my A Level’s I had a new responsibility to transform my aunt’s salon into my own. This was a challenge as I had no capital which meant that I could not give the business the face lift it so desperately needed at the start, but I went with my business through the paces. Slowly but surely as I earned I invested straight back into the business and with each punishing stage of development and establishment I achieved the refurbishment. After my first year I decided to accelerate growth in the business by increasing my income so I got a job. I got a job as an assistant at a family butchery and there I learnt the ins and outs of the meat industry and soon climbed up the ladder to become the operations manager. The butchery developed my management and public relations skills which I rely on to this day. My new job in addition to the salon profit enabled me to replace all my equipment gradually after achieving the cosmetic ‘face-lift’ it required. This was a slow process put it's been a steady uphill climb which is great as I managed to develop the business without getting into debt.
I believe the key to business start-up is not competing with other business in the beginning but focusing on establishing a foundation. It's always good to know what members in your industry are doing but do not lose yourself in competition when you should be establishing yourself and discovering then communicating your unique selling point. Remember to always set achievable goals, and have a clear vision which gives you the ability to see where you plan to be in the future and how to get there. Even if you stumble and fall along the way in your entrepreneurial persuits, the road still awaits your journey, all the best!
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Do you Trust yourself?
In life we have many crossroads that we reach and we really have to stop and think before we proceed!I had such a crossroad when I was 15 and I discovered I was pregnant! I had two main choices abort or keep and these were transforming decisions to abort and live with the guilt or take responsibility for your mistakes and be a teen mom?At that point it was life and death the hardest choice of my life but now it doesn't seem that way, as I have the most amazing son in the world! In life we always come to crossroads and at the time it seems like the end of the world when it really is not.We battle with ourselves and complicate things so excessively instead of trusting ourselves and most essentialy God.God never gives us more than we can handle no matter how big the situation is you hold and have the answer and the solution but you have got to trust yourself .
Sunday, 6 November 2011
The Fear inside!
I grew up with my father's parents and I have never lived with either of my parents who are now late.There were many times I had needs but I ignored them because I didn't want to be a burden, there were times I felt alone and had no one to comfort me and many times I was afraid and I had no one to protect me. Living with my grandparents was a somewhat traumatising experience as my grandfather was an alcoholic and the worst kind! He would drink and when he was intoxicated he was abusive both verbally and physically I remember hating weekends, Fridays were the worst because he'd get home after work drunk and he'd start swearing as if that was not enough, everyone young was out so I was alone at home with the task of protecting my grandmother.
I remember when I was about five or six and my grandfather came home drunk and started his usual stream of abuses and before i knew it I was in the middle of a full on fight between him and my grandmother and I was terrified out of my mind screaming for help or for them to stop! As a result till I was about 8 years old I had panic attacks I grew up filled with fear and agony and dread! One night I was scared for my life because my grandfather said he wanted to kill us. I remember he sat across from my bedroom and broke an entire crate of bottles on our locked bedroom door I was so afraid to come out of my room the next morning from then I got so paranoid I’d take all the knives and any sharp objects to my bedroom to make sure we weren't in danger, I would hide away anything and everything that would pose a threat to us. Living in fear is not the ideal way to live life and as a result I'm easily afraid even when I have no need to be.
Fear is so ugly and unnecessary and I know being fearful is a sin as it limits or hinders faith but knowing it is wrong alone doesn't stop it from happening.I always find my self scared but being conscious of it's effects in my life has proven to be a step in the right direction.I am more in control now and I always try to reason with myself whether it's necessary to be so timid and im moving in the right direction every day! False Evidence appearing real is what fear represents, I will no longer let fear have any place in my life. I am regaining control and releasing the negative experiences of the past.
I remember when I was about five or six and my grandfather came home drunk and started his usual stream of abuses and before i knew it I was in the middle of a full on fight between him and my grandmother and I was terrified out of my mind screaming for help or for them to stop! As a result till I was about 8 years old I had panic attacks I grew up filled with fear and agony and dread! One night I was scared for my life because my grandfather said he wanted to kill us. I remember he sat across from my bedroom and broke an entire crate of bottles on our locked bedroom door I was so afraid to come out of my room the next morning from then I got so paranoid I’d take all the knives and any sharp objects to my bedroom to make sure we weren't in danger, I would hide away anything and everything that would pose a threat to us. Living in fear is not the ideal way to live life and as a result I'm easily afraid even when I have no need to be.
Fear is so ugly and unnecessary and I know being fearful is a sin as it limits or hinders faith but knowing it is wrong alone doesn't stop it from happening.I always find my self scared but being conscious of it's effects in my life has proven to be a step in the right direction.I am more in control now and I always try to reason with myself whether it's necessary to be so timid and im moving in the right direction every day! False Evidence appearing real is what fear represents, I will no longer let fear have any place in my life. I am regaining control and releasing the negative experiences of the past.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
No need to belong!!
I always found that being of mixed race was so liberating because i felt i never had to choose, I never had to be black or white or Indian or typical coloured there was no pressure, I was a part of everyone!!I did not have to belong because i felt at home everywhere and with everyone,i can relate to all situations.Many say we are a confused nation because our roots are scattered but i feel we are privileged because we have such a broad scope of influence,limitless opportunities in self discovery and identification, But it has also taught me to see beyond the exterior it's not colour shape or size that matters we should always go deeper, look beyond the surface find a personality relate to a human not a race or a sex!.Search a little more and when you do there ceases to be the need to belong!When you don't need to belong life is liberating and is a breath of fresh air!
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
What's in a name?
Looking back it is as though I just woke up a certain age having been a spectator of my life since I can remember! I was born Donna-ray age white. From my name there is confusion I’m unsure if the ray should be in capital letters or in smalls??And it’s my name wow! Then my parent’s miss spelt my second name, I only discovered this when I was 10 years old.
I had just got my first passport, we were driving off from the passport office and my grand mother asked me to check that there are no errors so I scream stop they made a mistake! They wrote age twice let’s get it fixed. My granny says where let me see, then she hands me back the passport and she is like oh that’s your second name!!
I remember being crushed, how could they make an error in my name that is my identity, was it not something they thought of in depth, did they not think which spellings they wanted it’s my name on my birth
certificate a little attention to detail couldn't have hurt. As I write this, the scene plays in my head like it was yesterday. I was like how is that my second name what happened its meaning less? She gave me a story about how my mum and dad made a mistake.
I cannot remember her story but I didn't buy what she was selling i was livid and crushed! I did get over it thankfully, it turned out my second name is supposed to be Agnes after my grandmother and I would be so proud but because of the story behind it to a certain extent I feel that maybe I don’t deserve the name. On the other hand, i am proudly my grandmothers child and the goodness in me is a reflection of her greatness living in me.
I had just got my first passport, we were driving off from the passport office and my grand mother asked me to check that there are no errors so I scream stop they made a mistake! They wrote age twice let’s get it fixed. My granny says where let me see, then she hands me back the passport and she is like oh that’s your second name!!
I remember being crushed, how could they make an error in my name that is my identity, was it not something they thought of in depth, did they not think which spellings they wanted it’s my name on my birth
certificate a little attention to detail couldn't have hurt. As I write this, the scene plays in my head like it was yesterday. I was like how is that my second name what happened its meaning less? She gave me a story about how my mum and dad made a mistake.
I cannot remember her story but I didn't buy what she was selling i was livid and crushed! I did get over it thankfully, it turned out my second name is supposed to be Agnes after my grandmother and I would be so proud but because of the story behind it to a certain extent I feel that maybe I don’t deserve the name. On the other hand, i am proudly my grandmothers child and the goodness in me is a reflection of her greatness living in me.
The Prompting
I was tasked to write my life's mission statement and I failed. I realized I had lost my why and my drive including my appetite to be. I had always had a plan, idea's and goals to be achieved. Yet I sat down blank and empty with nothing to put to paper. Was I just existing and not living my life? Was I progressing with no real destination? This was a real eye-opener for loud, focused and outgoing Donna.
Somewhere down the line, I had lost myself, and I had no clue as to where or when. Having led a life of service and people pleasing I guess this was an inevitable outcome. Fortunately, I Made the discovery before it was too late, my eye's were opened and it was time I regained control of my life and stop drifting. I had to find my self and reignite my inner spark.
My journey began as one of understanding my past, accepting it and forgiving myself. Thereafter I had to find my purpose discover my reason for gracing God's amazing earth. Trying to understand what I was made for and grasping my why. I embarked on a journey of education and fear my old friend was not welcome. Courage and strength were my new acquaintances as I sought after knowledge and understanding and prayed for wisdom. This is the beginning of the process of turning ore into a diamond.
The Beggining
My name is Donna-ray White and this blog is based on my journey in life, the road i took to get to my present 22 years and the road that lay ahead. I am at the point where i stop and reflect on my life and set the standard as I now have an idea of my worth!I am a diamond a precious jewel that is going through the fire to be one. My blog is a portal to the life and experiences of Donna, my thoughts, opinions and experiences.You may also gain a whole new appreciation for life, it's preciousness, uniqueness and value. I hope my life gives hope to the broken hearted and restores faith in the hopeless!I am not perfect, though I have tried to be! I have reached a point where i am not afraid to be wrong, where I am allowed to make mistakes without having to hate myself, Where I give myself a break and allow myself to just be, to wonder through life with the intention of finding myself.
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