Thursday, 7 January 2021


Just the title alone gives me a wave of emotions but we could never write this year off as terrible entirely. It's the year I learnt to be alone and whole. The lessons I learnt this year are so numerous and I am grateful for them. The last four years had me going at full speed non stop and the initial stall of 2020 was a welcomed stillness. I got a moment to slow down and digest the last few years. What a much needed change in pace, in life until it dragged on for nine months OMG! I got a little restless and took a weekend off of my quarantine life and what a mistake it was! After being a good and compliant citizen I went to an event or three and boom the worst that could happen happened! Unbelievable it was like falling pregnant after an experiment all over again!

I am grateful to be alive and to be able to breathe with ease in thirty years I have never had to focus on the small blessing but this year I did . I managed to reflect on my life my weakness' and strengths and give myself a break because it has been a pretty good life. There is always room for improvement but truly I have fought a good fight.

I caught a virus that killed my friends and family and I was fortunate to come out of it unscathed and for this battle I am extremely grateful to have won. I learnt working from home is an easy ten kilogram weight gain and I also learnt my home can double up as a gym too. I learnt to love my vegetables for their life saving qualities before I needed them to save my life, again only God prepares you for the unseen in such a way and for this I am grateful. This year my kids surpassed me in foot size and height and realised I am indeed about to be the smallest in my family or at least the shortest how crazy is that! Again I am so grateful for their lives and health and how their personalities are developing, I can safely say the next few years are set to interesting and entertaining for me.

I have learnt the value of small circles and building my tribe, a party of 8 is the most fulfilling these days.I have observed alot and really just chilled like never before. I have learnt to honour my mind for the strong machine it is and appreciate how its kept me going always. I honour my body for its unending strength I remember being called a V8 engine when I was young today I appreciate that title alot more. I have learnt to listen to me to honour my desires and to lift my spirits. I learnt to let go because so much doesn't matter any more and I felt the comfort and freedom of forgiveness of how much lighter I am now.

This has been a good year not because it was easy but because the warrior in me got the opportunity to shine. It was a great year because I passed many tests and I know from here on I am fully capable of all I set out to do and of conquering any difficulties I may face. Gaining confidence in my ability to take on life knowing it isn't easy is the blessing I have gained in 2020 and is how I will deal with all that comes my way in 2021!

Cheers to happy new year! May 2021 pleasantly surprise us all!


  1. Wow!its been a nice read. Youve now becime a Limited Edition Grande V8

  2. I love this Donna. You’re goals my friend.
