Thursday, 6 March 2014

What is a woman's place?

I haven’t written in a while life has taken its toll, I have been consumed with work and I now have very minimal if any quiet time and while I yearn to write the opportunity rarely presents itself. However I will consciously make time and put more effort into expressing myself going forward. I have taken the role of the devil’s advocate in my blog today and I am sparking a debate I do urge all readers to add your thoughts and opinions.

My first article was very family orientated as I am a family woman but in addition to this I am a young ambitious woman with an unquenchable thirst for success.  I have been lead to believe by an alarming amount of people that this is not the norm for women. I always wonder why though? If a woman is beautiful, is she supposed to be shallow and without a flicker of desire to be the best in all she does? Is motherhood and being a housewife the ultimate epitome for a woman? I feel it is not we crave it all! The houses, the cars, the success, the challenge, the stress even, the whole rat race and more. I am at my very best when I’m juggling responsibilities,  I feel like I am pushing myself to be the very best and I am at my happiest.

However there are people of the opinion that this is not my place, and in building my career I am neglecting my maternal responsibilities and I will always fall short of being the best mother or wife. There are also the few that view me as a threat; I’m yet to understand how a financial independent woman is a threat and not an asset though. This is a sexist debate in all honesty but as a woman who works and is a mother I have every right to spark this very debate, as I don’t understand the fuss and the need for men to be on top and doing it all to feel like men. The simple virtue that you are men and were created above us makes you superior it is an uncontested title therefore I do not see the demeanor in women working and doing their thing (so to speak).

 In today’s world so much has evolved life as we knew it a decade ago has long past and yet we still battle over such trivial issues such as  weather a woman  can run the world, the question should be who is the right human to do so race and sex are not valid bases to judge any individual. So I pose the question again what is a woman’s place? I look forward to answers, in my opinion a woman ‘s place is the one she chooses, women and men alike should encourage and support each other to be the very best they can be, it would make for a much better and constructive future for mankind as we know it.


  1. very nice read indeed, i believe you are right in all your views, for me whether you're a man or woman makes no difference if you feel that you can do the job or thing, that's what matters.

  2. very true, thank you for your input Maston
