Monday, 4 June 2012

The ugly truth!

Right this is my controversial blog been dying to vent so here goes nothing; the ugly truth is the truth no one bothers to tell you before you enter a marriage or relationship. I am here to shed some light upon this crazy thing called love and its mother relationships. Firstly it’s all generally bull (everything you think you know is nonsense delete immediately) love isn’t easy, natural and unfailing it’s the most complex emotion and feeling you will ever come across. There is so much second guessing you may develop a split personality and a relationship is the absolute sanity test. I was once told if you haven’t contemplated killing him you ain’t been in love (so true, I had a list of alibis too).

Love will test your selflessness and your ability to compromise, your negotiating skills will be tested and your capability of co- existing with another (the ultimate test). Honestly not all love is true and sincere and worth dying for (please note). It is a risk, a two way risk there is no guarantee that you will be loved as much as you love or be cherished as much as you may cherish absolutely nothing is set in stone it’s all just a leap of faith or rather hope. You will get hurt at least once in your life so brace yourself for it, it is an experience you can not avoid and should experience at least once. (This is the truth) Love doesn’t always make sense and there will be times where you will be totally winded and confused it’s all a part of relationships.

Love and relationships are not all bad there will be really amazing moments that you need to embrace and cherish, as those memories will get you through the bad times. The one decision you will have to make right now is what you can tolerate and what you can’t and let those be your guidelines. You should never compromise for the sake of peace as you will only compromise yourself and the trend will continue. Know now what is good, bad and unforgivable and always outline these things from the very beginning of your relationship. These are a few tips and there are more but for now I will end here. Don’t be afraid of love but be smart about it. You can not avoid it forever or run from it so just try and learn along the way it is an experience you can not afford to miss out on.

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