Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Losing the plot (manhating)

Apparently there is a thin line between healing a broken heart and becoming a man hater. I think that no matter how strong you are there is still going to be a level of resentment held against the opposite sex. It is inescapable where emotions are involved and well it is best that one rid themselves of such negative emotions rather than to tarry on with them. What I do not get is why venting ones negative emotions is turned into something as atrocious as man hating.

It is not that I hate the entire male species and I have eradicated the option of being in love from my mind altogether. I simply had a bad experience and I need a time out before I jump back in to the game. However during my time out I may seem as though I couldn’t care less about anything or anyone but it is just a defence mechanism. In one’s strength, they realise how weak they really are I would say. In as much as I was angry and hurt I ultimately just wanted to be loved and embraced but the only natural response was “keep em nigga’s away”. This was naturally dubbed as man hating and there the label was born, but gentlemen I don’t hate any of you I actually have hope that I am going to get it right eventually and when I am ready I won’t be afraid to try. (Note key word being WHEN I AM READY)

Now the reason this blog is titled losing the plot is simply due to the perception that a woman’s plot is to fall head over heals in love, thus man hating would be deemed losing the plot. I may have lost the plot but it was all in good reason. Now I am certainly not about to be falling in love at the moment but I’m sure not going to be angry at all men any more (cheers from all men now). In conclusion love has exit wounds which people should be given a period to deal with in which ever way they feel is necessary without being labelled. We are all entitled to our unique healing process’ and time frames in which to heal, so kindly let us heal in peace.

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