Monday, 23 April 2012


This is an interesting topic as we are all taught that alcohol is bad and evil and we should all stay as far away from it as possible. Granted the effects of alcohol abuse are destructive but note that it’s the abuse of it or rather the excessive intake of it that becomes the problem.
I have never been much of a drinker but when I do decide that I would like a drink or three I would like to freely partake without any disapproval or dismayed expressions as though I were about to commit murder! As I recall in biblical history, there was quite a bit of drinking that took place throughout the bible. Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe that Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine (mnm how ironic) then I also recall the last super or the Passover feast involves um yup wine again! Interesting I suggest alcohol haters lay off the guilt tripping now...Alcohol isn’t bad people did drink from long ago but within reason.
So now I’m sat thinking alcohol isn’t so bad now is it since it made its debut in the bible, so why so much negativity associated with it then? I am assuming it’s the crazy people (alcoholics) that make it seem terrible, now if you’re feeling  defensive cause you drink quite a bit let me explain crazy drinking,  as I know first-hand as I lived with one such individual. Crazy drinkers (aka alcoholics) drink all day every day no problem (Kat Williams voice)! In addition to excessive and continuous drinking they get abusive once their intoxicated be it verbal, physical or emotional. That is craziness and it’s downright unacceptable!
If you’re going to drink, do it to enjoy yourself and ensure your enjoyment doesn’t inconvenience anyone in any way. Alcohol is a disruptive tool in the wrong hands and can be dangerous if not had responsibly. I think that people should be free to indulge if need be but indulge responsibly at all times is what I say. So hey life is short don’t stress don’t be too diplomatic and well don’t get too caught up in the moment. Trust yourself enough to be yourself unless you’re not worth trusting.

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