I was comfortable with being hurt and broken I was ok hiding my feelings and wearing a clowns face until the true discomfort set in. I became as uncomfortable as is possible I couldn’t ignore my heart I could not continue on ignoring the desperate cry of my spirit. I had to stop and take a moment and dig deep in me and discover what was wrong.
A statement I heard that helped me understand where I was in life was; “where love is lost your ghost is found” this statement hit me like a tonne of bricks and I figured it out, in our pursuit of love we change we give up ourselves for the good of the relationships we compromise so much that we lose ourselves we forget our values, our hopes and dreams and we pursue this new partnership whole heartedly without considering the cost nor do we value the income against the cost to understand the worth of such an investment. Usually in such cases you hit a rock and there you find “your ghost” where you were in life before this relationship, your hopes and dreams your values and life objectives this is the point when discomfort sets and if you’re fortunate enough you make a change in your life.
Now I was fortunate enough to make such a discovery and as such I have been implementing some much needed changes in my life and refocusing it on my values and dreams. It is always wise to invest in yourself and build towards becoming the best you and in so doing you will naturally attract the right people in your life instead of going through life anxiously trying to find the right one, when in actual fact your constant longing repels the right one. I urge you to take minute to evaluate your life what is important? What are you investing in? Do you put yourself first ever? If not you need to before you find yourself in a position that is unfavourable, and beside your worthy of the time effort and most importantly the investment. I am working on a different me an upgraded model!
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