It doesn’t matter if you’re not perfect if you’re not enough for
someone and it doesn’t matter if you’re all alone in this world. Honestly,
you’re not! if you make a true and honest analysis you will see that you are
far from alone, many times situations require you to be separated and many
times we fight it out of fear, but separation is to be embraced. We all need a
time out to reflect to grow as individuals to embrace and expand on our
It doesn’t matter if you’re not sure how life works, honestly, no
one does. Live life one day at a time throw caution to the wind and be you! If
you’re afraid to be scared it’s all allowed, true happiness is when you allow
yourself to be without any pressure. Don’t give yourself a hard time; God knows
your imperfect that’s why he sent his son to die long before your debut in this
world, so you got a chance to live with free will and with the opportunity to
choose. Therefore, you need to understand and embrace the power you have and
grab the bull by the horns and take responsibility for your life. The days of
dictatorship are over don’t blame anyone for your actions and their outcomes,
simply ensure that you live your life the best way you can and know that it
doesn’t really matter if you make mistakes, if you get it wrong once twice or
three times. This is your life and you have got to live it for you the best way
you know how.